Navigating overseas markets can be intimidating for first-time investors, with a myriad of options to consider. At WKIA, we dedicated substantial effort to curating a selection of reputable managers to provide our clients with confidence and peace of mind.
Today, WKIA proudly offers offshore investment opportunities through asset managers regulated by the Financial Services Board of their respective domiciles, boasting proven track records of returns. We prioritise diversification in our clients' portfolios, acknowledging the significance as we transition into a more interconnected global economy. With the rise of remote work and the increasing necessity for worldwide investment accessibility, we ensure our clients' funds are protected while maintaining global reach.
Fixed Income Offshore Product
The fixed offshore income product is a bespoke investment placed on a platform designed to offer clients security and continuity. Through world pandemics and volatility over the past few years, our fund has continued to deliver clients there fixed income returns consistently.
This investment really offers clients peace of mind, diversification and protection from the Rand depreciating from global strong currencies.
Self-Invested Personal Pensions (SIPPs) are a type of UK registered personal pension scheme. Compared with conventional retirement plans, SIPPs may offer savers greater investment freedom and control. They may also afford increased flexibility at retirement and protection for you family
Amongst other assets, SIPPs are permitted to invest in collective investment funds, commercial property, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), cash deposits, equities, corporate bonds and government bonds.
The SIPP market has evolved considerably in recent years meaning that SIPPs are no longer the preserve of the high net worth investor and have increasingly become a retail option and any investor.
It is possible for both UK residents and international clients to establish and own a SIPP, SIPP is fully interchangeable, subject to any local regulatory or receiving scheme parameters, with its range of Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Schemes catering fully for internationally mobile individuals.
A Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme (QROPS) is a name used to categorise a non-UK pension scheme that is able to receive the transfer of UK pension benefits.
In order to qualify as a QROPS, the overseas pension scheme must meet certain conditions as prescribed by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) in the UK. The pension scheme must also comply with the local pension’s legislation in its own operating jurisdiction which can we accessed anywhere around the world.
By transferring a UK pension to a QROPS a non-UK tax resident may benefit from a number of efficiencies. These include the removal of the pension from the UK tax system, greater investment flexibility, earlier access to pension benefits, multi-currency investment and the ability to pass all of the pension to any beneficiary in the event of death.